Monday, September 29, 2014

Random Thoughts about Germany/Europe

As I walk around Munich, a lot of random thoughts have popped into my head. I started recording them and now I will share them with you here.

Germany is sort of annoying with how they do not like to break rules. For example, you are not allowed to turn on red, and you cannot cross the street if the little sign is red. Even if, in both situations, there are no cars coming for miles, you are fully expected to wait there for several minutes for the light to change. Why? It is so annoying

Buses are confusing. Why are their two buses with the same number is they run different routes? They should have different numbers


Totally forgot to talk about this on my other blog, but sometime last week we did a "Munich at Night Tour" which was awesome. The tour guide had a ton of energy and he knew a ton about the history of Munich and was interactive and it sounds lame but you had to be there. It was a ton of fun and he showed us some cool places. The highlight of this was we were standing in the exact spot, where in 1923 Hitler and his Nazis got in a firefight with the police during their march on the Munich city center after their infamous Beer Hall Putsch. When we were standing in the very spot where this firefight happened, a bird flew down out of this palace and landed on my head. It was just small bird, and at first I thought a flag was hitting my head because I was in a doorway and there are flags everywhere in Munich. So I tilted my head, but something was still hitting my head, so I brushed my hair, and a bird flew away. I was standing at the back of the group, and only one other kid saw it, so we started telling people and they could believe it and couldn't stop laughing. Now people tell me not to have any aspirations in life because this guy was telling us about Hitler and his march on the city center while we were standing where it all happened, so they think I am cursed now. But it was funny. What are the chances. Anyways, back to random thoughts.

Munich is so old that it doesn't feel like a huge modern industrial city like we have in America, such as Boston. I do not see very many sky scrapers, and it just has a really cool historical feel. But you know there is wealth around you because the buildings are nice and you see really nice cars (such as Ferraris)

I have seen an absurd number of people making out on the escalators going to the subways. What is with that? Is that the new thing to do?

A ton of people in Germany smoke. Especially younger people my age. Just sort of funny since Europe always bashes America for being so unhealthy.

I tell my mom how much money I spend on groceries and she thinks I am starving myself. So i had to show her a picture of my fridge. I have a lot of food, I just shop smart and the place I go is wicked cheap compared to back home, so I am happy about that.

Also, its weird how in America we grow up thinking that coins are worthless, yet when I get to Europe I have to start keeping track of my coins because they are worth a lot. They have 2 Euro and 1 Euro coins. I hate carrying coins around so I have been putting them on my shelf. Well I have been keeping track of my expenditures and I was off by quite a but (almost 20 Euros). I then realized that it was here.
That's right, these coins are worth almost 20 Euros. 2 Euros, 1 Euro, 50 cent, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1. Kind of crazy how fast it adds up

Completely unrelated: I started watching White Collar on Netflix and it is really good. It is about this felon who helps the FBI catch people doing similar crimes that he did and was wicked good at. Just thought I would let you all know that.

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