Thursday, September 11, 2014

Welcome to my blog

I have made a blog. This is exciting. A blog is interesting because it combines a few things that I am not particularly good at/fond of:

1) Comprehending technology- It took me quite some time to set this up so you all better appreciate it.
2) Writing- Never have been good at it, never will be good at it. My professors say I'm really bad at organizing papers, which is weird because I'm really good at organizing everything else in my life.
3) Creating a heavy online presence- I don't really like the idea of anyone and everyone being able to see what I am doing, which they will be able to do since I will be posting information on my daily life in Munich for the next year. Also, my dad always told me not to do something like this, but my mom thinks its cool, and we all know who would win that argument

Nonetheless, I present to you my blog. I plan on trying to update this as much as possible, especially since I plan on doing many cool things and just generally keeping people updated. I decided to do this because instead of bombarding people with Facebook posts, I figured I could just make this and people could come look whenever they wanted. Some of you will check this every few hours (hi Mom) and some of you will check every few months.

This is really just a way for me to communicate with a lot of people back in the States in an easy way. I might even choose to get really creative and dazzle you with pictures that I've taken, but let's not get carried away. One day at a time.

Departing from Boston Monday September 15 at 2:30. Going to Iceland then Copenhagen then Munich. Arriving at 8:30 am Munich time (2:30 am Maine time)

Goodbye for now! Also, feel free to comment on any of my coming posts! Plus, feel free to share this blog address with anyone who asks for it. I plan on sharing this blog via Facebook, so obviously anyone not on Facebook won't see it, so please share with them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed- a blog! I didn't even have a blog and I'm an overachiever...
    I can't wait to read your posts :) Safe travels !
